it's time to investigate why you are poor!

Ever increasing Glory! 

3rd  April 2024.

It’s Time To Investigate Why You Are Poor. 

Like the sparrow in her wandering, like the swallow in her flying, So the curse without cause does not come and alight [on the undeserving]. Proverbs 26:2 (AMP)

Poverty, lack, and want are all manifestations of curses. God never intended for man, whom He loves, to go through life being deprived of things that would make his sojourn on earth a pleasant experience. For anyone who is born again, redemption has translated us from the realms of darkness to the Kingdom of God, where we are to enjoy everything in abundance. However, there are still many believers today who have been redeemed from curses but are still under the yoke of poverty. If you find yourself struggling through life under the weight of poverty, then the first thing you need to do is thoroughly investigate to see the reason why you are poor. It is true that poverty is a curse, but our opening text says the curse of poverty cannot rest without a cause. So if you are poor and you are constantly in lack, then there is a cause behind it. The first step to getting out of poverty would be to identify the causes, bring out your findings, and deal decisively with them.

To help you in investigating the causes of poverty, you must understand that poverty is not just a circumstance; it’s a person, and lack is a habit. Poverty is someone who procrastinates always, and lack is someone who’s full of excuses. Hardship is someone who is given to blaming other people and external circumstances as the reasons for their predicament. Poverty is laziness; it is an inability to be proactive and to take initiatives. Lack is running from problems; hardship is refusing to seize opportunities. Anyone who has a personality like this can never attract wealth. The journey to wealth begins by ensuring you don’t have a personality that has any of these vices. Be hard on yourself, accept personal responsibility, and conquer any nature in you that will repel wealth from you.

Engage in a thorough investigation to see why you and anyone in your family are poor. Analyze your findings and declare total war against them.

PRAYERS: today my spiritual eyes are open to see what I'm looking for.


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